Thursday, 13 June 2019

From Vick and Josie


Daughter Josie has persuaded me to restart the blog.  Thought it may be useful for updates.
As many of you know, I have had a health crisis recently and know that my days are numbered.  Well, everyone's days are numbered really but it has been spelt out distinctly a few days ago.  I am strangely relieved by this as I do not have to have any operations or treatments or make any difficult decisions.  Recently I have been working as a volunteer at the local hospice charity shop and now have been told that I can go to the hospice as a punter to do art activities and have hand massages and suchlike.  It is a lovely place up the road with a couple of nice friendly donkeys outside the door.  But I feel perfectly well at the moment and am just Carrying On.


Apart from having the stomach churners, I am trying to get a grip and summon up the courage to deal with the journey ahead.  My whole career as a palliative nurse specialist feels as if it has been leading up to this point.  My mum and I are very close and talk all the time so parting will be hell but I've got to put up with it and make the most of every day things like nice cups of tea.
Don't worry, this blog will not all be doom and gloom; we just want to communicate and express stuff at this time.



I'm beginning to wonder if it is all a huge mistake as I'm feeling surprisingly well, quite sprightly in fact.  I have a sneaking suspicion I will be around too long and everyone will be sick of the sight of me.
Nevertheless, Josie and I have spent the morning Sorting Things Out.  And we both feel better for it.  There will not be any arguments afterwards about whether I would like a tree or a bench or whatever.  Josie has a week off work so she came to my beautiful choir this morning.  Thankfully she loved it as much as I do.  We sing simple unaccompanied songs for an hour every Tuesday morning.  It is one of those unique groups that are an inspiration.  I am so lucky to be part of it.

I am feeling decidedly calmer and more philosophical, mainly because my mum is so undramatic and normal, it is ever so reassuring.  Having the week off is good.  
Things That Help Me Are;
  1. The view of the plump pink roses and old green trees from Vick's sofa
  2. Making bread
  3. Swimming
  4. Singing
  5. Talking to friends.
The trouble, is I keep forgetting things.  I went for a swim this morning but forgot my costume so got told off for swimming in vest and knickers by the strict lifeguard.
The funny thing is, we are all going to leave this party in the end.  That is weirdly comforting

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