I love this golden light and chilly mornings. I saw the new Tarantino film the other day and hated it generally. The only good thing was the details about America in the 1970s as I liked the clothes and the font on the tins in the cupboard etc. The plot seemed most dull to me, and the characters not well rounded. I always love going to the cinema though, just for the velvet seat and the popcorn, and the adverts and trailers and big screen. It is so exciting.
Yesterday I had a lovely day meeting up with some of my old Winchester friends many of whom lived at the Meeting House fifteen or more years ago, including five children and a baby also dear Russian granny came too. We all met at Petworth House, National Trust place halfway from Ditchling to Winchester and sat and talked in the gardens until the place closed at 5 o'clock.
I am giving up my car next week so it is good to have a few last drives around the Sussex countryside.
But I have no regrets about deciding to be carless.
What a shocking state we are in at the moment with MP`s leaving the Tory party after a lifetime and Ken Clark describing the Prime Minister as `that knockabout character` I can`t think how it is all going to end. They should all try sitting in some Quaker silence for a bit together to clear their minds
Healthwise, I was relieved to discover that one of the common symptoms of having cancer is fatigue. I had thought that my habit of lying around on the sofa was pure laziness.
I'm really enjoying your blog! I would like to see the play of Vicky's life! When are you performing it?