Wednesday, 27 November 2019

27th November

Good news on the health front.  Josie advised that I see the GP regarding the back pain (cancer in bones) and she prescribed high dose steroids.  The effect was immediate!  No pain, no nausea, walking better, no fatigue, but slightly sleepless nights.  It is really remarkable.  It makes me realise how poorly I was before.  We just get used to anything.  Then we saw the beautiful consultant yesterday.  She said I can't stay on the magic pills for long due to side effects so advised some radiotherapy for the back pain.  So I'll give that a go.  
On Tuesday I went to the Macmillan Horizon Centre for a makeover.  There were ten women sitting around the table, each with their own mirror and products, each expensive and free.  I was the eldest by approximately 50 years.  Nearly all were hairless due to chemo.  We had such a good time patting on skin tonic, cleanser, moisturiser, concealer and blusher.  I refused the eye makeup as I thought I'd look bizarre.  The rest was OK and I did not come out looking like a drag queen.  It was such a lovely morning all run by volunteers who were beauticians.  
Today Josie and I are going to buy the stuff to make a Christmas cake.  Stir-up Sunday is approaching. It is a ritual I need to go through as my mother always did.  

Steroids are a wonder drug.  No wonder the athletes take them.  Vicky got 117 points for one tern in Scrabble with the word QUERIES for instance.  And we have fast-talking animated discussions all day long.  I will question the sleepless nights with the hospice nurse though and see if we can get away with a slightly smaller dose but I love seeing Vicky with her tremendous sparkle back.
I was dreading Christmas but since Vicky and I have started debating minute details of canapes and what to watch on telly I feel more enthusiastic.  Lots of things are like that, not so daunting when you break them down.  Two out of my four children are on the other side of the world at present which make me feel grateful I didn't stop at two kids.  
I told a lady in the swimming pool that I find the endless rain soothing which is true, but I could see she thought I was being contrary.  I swam in the sea with a friend on Saturday and it was rough and for a second I got terrified, but then I think a bit of terror is good for us all.

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