Tuesday, 10 December 2019

10th December

I wrote my Christmas cards yesterday and I love doing them after all.  A handyman came yesterday and fixed my tottery bookshelves which had been worrying me for some time.  I had to take all the books out and they always multiply when you move them.  They were all over the place.  When it came to putting them back I decided to declutter and take the ones to the charity shop that no longer give me joy, which was about half of them.  I kept most of the poetry, however, except the old ones such as Pope and Milton.  
I've decided to only give Christmas presents that can be eaten, bathed in, or applied to the face and body.  In other words, consumables.  I have bought a lot of chocolate.  
I'm still in a bit of a Funny State on the steroids although the dose is now being reduced.  I see the world through rose-coloured spectacles and feel well and pain-free.  It is particularly good at the moment with the election coming up.  

I am doomed when it comes to Christmas trees.  I actually love them but have had terrible disagreements over size and shape over the years with my partner, and feel like somehow we have never got it right.  I get Christmas Tree envy when I walk down my road and see pristine ones.
I bought one in a pot from Aldi last year for £14.99 and grew emotionally attached to it over the year in a pot in my front garden, watering it only with rainwater and experimenting with differing positions.  I repotted it and bought ericaceous soil for it.  Then I brought it in and specially bought new lights and baubles from Habitat.  But it droops over sadly and looks pathetic.  Vick says it looks woebegone.  It is much too small for its big pot.
I am continuing the sea swimming and it is helping me a lot.  I have also joined a drumming band which has always been a secret ambition of mine.  I remember as a child longing to be a majorette or one of those drummers with sticks under their noses.  This group is more of a wild samba rhythm but it is good for lifting the energy.  

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