Tuesday, 14 January 2020

14 th January

It is a lovely dank January morning and I'm really bored with dry January although I feel ever so healthy.  I'm with Vick in her lamp lit bungalow, with lots of phoning to do.  I have already phoned the GP, pharmacy, hospice, community nurse and electrician.  I helped her with a wash in the candlelight and practised my new shiatsu techniques on her puffy legs, but still need to sort out the mouth, fingers, and prevent any skin damage on the legs by applying copious amounts of moisturiser.  
I handed in my notice from my hospital job last Friday but the acupuncture in the NHS may be expanding.  I feel I need to make a proper rota as Vick may start to need more care now her mobility is not so good.  
I helped behind the bar at an intercultural social club for refugees on Saturday and found I loved it, as I've always wanted to work a till and I'm very happy chatting.  I felt I was in my element in fact.  I could have a future career as a barmaid perhaps.

The man who brought the hospital bed was not best pleased, as he had to push the bed in the dark along a bumpy path to my bungalow.  He said it was the fourth one he had done that day in Sussex.  But it is a truly wonderful bed with electric controls that lift the head and the feet and I now sleep like a log.  
All sorts of minor ills have occurred in the last week.  A crown fell off a back molar, revealing a decayed tooth that will have to be extracted.  The lights all failed so that we have candles, dribbling wax in the bathroom and elsewhere.  I can't get shoes and socks on my swollen feet and my walking has plummeted.  Also, I have sore fingers and a sore tongue. Otherwise, my health is fine. I am cutting down on the steroids so perhaps my euphoria will evaporate but this hasn't happened yet.
Granddaughter M has been staying and we have been reading poetry aloud at breakfast time which is a really good start to the day.

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