Thursday, 2 April 2020

2nd April

I like the soft still weather today, with occasional milky sunlight; less cruel than the glaring bright sun.  Vicky's steady heart carries on, despite her unconscious state.  I am allowed out of the room now when they turn her, and the staff have stopped wearing masks, gloves and aprons.  Like a little rabbit in a hutch though, I find the big wide world a bit scary and don't go far.  I tried running around the wood again and felt so unfit.  
I wrote a list of 12 things Vicky taught me.  There are lots more things but these are the main ones.

1. Never be without a notebook, pen and a good novel.
2.  Get up early.  Have a Badedas bubbly bath, put clean clothes on, enjoy your breakfast.  Whatever is going on, keep your standards up.
3.  Choosing the right card and present for someone is important.
4.  Never keep manky flannels, dishcloths, towels or bedding.
5.  Seize the day.  Get on with it.  No point saying "Ain't it awful".  No point dancing with tears in your eyes as no one cares.
6.  Love, light, peace and comfort can be found in stillness, especially Quaker silence, but all religion/spirituality is interesting.
7.  Food must be taken seriously and decent food really helps.  Plan each meal well in advance.  Spread butter and marmalade thickly.
8.  Celebrate the English countryside.  And poetry.
9.  Make your home welcoming.
10.  Keep away from airports.  
11.  Change your mind if you want.  It doesn't matter.  Accept things and don't make a big fuss.
12.  Friends, family, creativity, conversation, laughter, being kind; those things are what matter.


  1. <3 What better legacy can Vick leave the world LOL

  2. Utterly charming and sooo Vicky-thank you for reminding us... there’s also the ironing which I would watch in awe as she tackled all manner and size of bedding at the Quakerage!! 💗

  3. What a wonderful list of of a few of the many things that Vicky taught you. I love this insight into Vicky's mind. To have these thoughts and values written down to savour and digest really evokes delightful Vicky for me/us. Fiona xx
