Tuesday, 3 March 2020

3 rd March

I am sitting here in a glorious ray of sunshine.  I have just eaten a slice of brown bread with W's delicious homemade marmalade on.  I've always felt a sort of link with the Divine about homemade marmalade; the colour, the alchemy of turning bitter oranges into something so delectable, and also that it is made at the start of Lent and lasts for a long time.  
It is wonderful that my pain is under control, and I am having this opportunity to see and hear from people who have been important to me in my life.

I have just arrived at the hospice; having listened to Woman's Hour on the way here.  Jane Garvy was interviewing a woman who has been to Space.  She said that when you look down at our magical little blue planet, you can see mad lines that people have made as borders between countries, and you wonder why people would decide to fight over them.  We have far more in common than our differences.
I must say, I keep thinking about interconnectivity, as it was the theme at my Qi Gong session on Saturday, and at The Inspector Calls at the theatre. It shows how we are all part of the web. Also, I feel aware of so much love around Vicky and am so grateful for all the support.
Here is a quote I heard which sums up how I feel about the hospice.

''Hospice, at its best, is care that is unafraid of death and pain, reverent of the mysteries of life and death, aware of the limitations of medical technology and of the possibilities of love....'' Rabbi Amy Eilberg


  1. I loved your poem about marmalade and its murderous possibilities Vicky! That quote is wonderful and St P and St J does seem one of those at its best. Fiona

  2. Dear Josie and Vick I just read about your blog in Mslexia and had to come by and say hello. The hospice does such wonderful work and one of the great gifts it gives is to allow people to decide about their end of life care. I remember how important that was for Mike. When cancer robbed him of making any important decision he could decide to die at home. He was able to to do that because of the support from the district nurse team and hospice at home service, two orgainsations staffed by extraordinary people. His was not an easy ending and I will be honest and say it not the one I will choose for myself but he was allowed to make a choice. My love to you both. I've only met you Vick a couple of times but I know of your legendary good humour and all round niceness. I think nice is a word we should reclaim and cherish. Nice is not boring. Nice is strong and quiet and loving. Not once in a blue moon special but ordinary and every day so we can through the day...power to the nice! Imagine that...
