Tuesday, 31 March 2020

31st March

List of things we have done today
1.  Vicky has mostly slept apart from the odd turn, mouth care, cream on legs and feet and hair brushing.  On the whole, she looks completely comfortable, and I told her she is doing well.
2.  We are listening to 8 hours of birdsong on Youtube which is blissfully relaxing and requires no mental effort on my part.
3.  I have washed myself up as far as I can go and down as far as I can go with a hot flannel as my grandma used to say.
4.  The kitchen sent me my first hot meal for a long time, which was broccoli and stilton quiche, buttery new potatoes, salad and salad cream and queen of puddings, on a tray with a teapot, milk jug and cup.  I sent a note back on my empty tray saying it was the best meal I have ever had.
5.  I tried a ten-minute cardio workout online which was most unpleasant and I didn't finish it.
6.  I much prefered yoga with Adrienne online and a few headstands. 
7.  There are three jackdaws outside now.  I've been studying the wood pigeons and collared doves.
8.  I'm reading Olive Again by Elizabeth Strout.  She describes tiny unpleasant feelings with such accuracy.
9.  I'm reading Pearl by my late sister Julia and feel very much in touch with her.
10. I finished another green square of knitting.
11.  I look at Vicky breathing.  Hope she is having warm dreams.
12.  I think about people and places.
13.  I talk to the nurses, doctors and carers when they come in.  I want to explain what a marvellous job they are doing but can't quite think how to do it without sounding cheesy. 
14.  The housekeepers let me borrow the mop and clean the room as the dust was piling up in great mounds which I noticed when on the yoga mat.


  1. i love reading your blog Josie, I think we may have met at Vicky's birthday party at the QMH many years ago....but I feel I know you.....you are creating something beautiful for us all.Thanks so much. Julia x

  2. Queen of puddings I remember from my childhood!
