Wednesday, 12 February 2020

12 th February

It's lucky I have a big family as we all sit around the hospice bed like a tribe of gorillas while Vick dozes.  She doesn't like a lot of fuss and doesn't like to be given choices.  She is taking sips of water or sucking bits of ice but doesn't want to eat.  She has a syringe pump with some morphine and an anti-sickness drug in but the hospice has given very cautious doses and she is sometimes a bit uncomfortable I fear.  We have some poetry books around, some massage oil, and can make regular cups of tea in the kitchen next door.  The donkeys there are called Dudley and Dylan, and we keep discussing boys names for my new great-nephew soon to be born; Vick thought he should be named after one of the donkeys.  I prefer Dudley Darling to Dylan.
It feels good to come home, eat and sit by the fire knowing Vick is safe.  This is a strange time.  

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