Well, we did it. We gave Vick a jolly good Zoom send off and a lovely birthday tribute and I am most grateful to all who helped and all who came. Since some of the guests were well into their eighties and nineties, I thought everyone managed very well with the online aspect of it it all, and the whole thing didn't crash as I feared. The music, songs, poems and tributes were so marvellous to hear.
I forgot to say yesterday that Vicky was well known for her daily calamities, that ranged from losing her keys and glasses to getting in a muddle with dates and postcodes, to filling up her handbag with hot water by mistake in a basin on a train, and many more scrapes which we all experienced with her at one time or another. It is our flaws that make us lovable, not always our virtues, and I loved my mum for all her imperfections.